A Moment to remember..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

I had a great and awesome time today
I'ts been months he keeps telling me, the deliciousness of the fried ice cream a.k.a aiskrim goreng *drooling*
at last, i can taste the droolingilicous of the ais krim goreng..
it tasted gooood , even a bit oily ( they can make it even better tho ) but not bad la
ade rasa hot and cold..thumbs up~!!

aku makan sangat comot kottt..mleleh-leleh eskim tu sampai ke bwh mulut dan tangan aku ok..ah, x sempat2 lah aku nak cover depan dia..lantak je comot momot pon..ade dia kesah??..xpon~

Even it lasted approx less than 3 hours kitorang makan2 ( aku kuar ngan dia slama ni less thn 5 hours je pon ), it was one of the best moment i've ever had with him..thx liebe..
That was our second time dating since my sem break..huhu..excluding he with his parents datang umah aku time aku kawen, eh tak, time akak aku kawen..

Alhamdulillah, sampai ke hari ni and harap sampai kami dihalalkan lah kan ( Aminn ya rabbal alamin), kami still menjaga batas pergaulan kami..alah, jumpe pon jarang2..setahun, kurang dari sploh kali aku dating ngan dia, tu tak termasuk kitorang dating depan family ..

yela, aku study pahang dia study klantan..(eleh, cam jaoh jek bunyi..hahak)..cuti sem aku nk msk 3 bln dh, bru 2x jumpa..sobs..nanti raya pulak la kitorang jumpa sama2 kluarga...nanti klu dia da keje, lagi kurang kitorang berjumpa..alahai~

Redha Allah terletak pada redha ibubapa..ibubapa kami pon dah restu perhubungan kami..sebab tu x leh jumpe selalu..hue hue..tp its ok..

oklah..gua chiau dlu..got a work to do..daa~

nota aku la : aku baru install windows 7..woh..sangat HENSEM ok..
a noob??..yeahh..can't agree moree..tch tch..

nota aku lagi la : xdek gambar..=( ..kalau aku kluar ngan dia, memang xdek nak snap2 picca-chu
ni..xpernah..klu ade family aku je bru kitolang bergambar sebab dorang tlg
snap snap kan..

im addicted to this song, since the very first time i listened to it..
Father and Son by Ronan keating ft Yusuf Islam..but originally by Yusuf Islam himself..enjoy..=)


Faiz Nasir said…
thnx syg, so sweet of you, hehehehe. cant help from missing u badly, skejak jah jupo td :-(
eZaT eLaNo said…
halos..blushing*..hahaha..tau xpo metar..sob3..

( semak gmbr...kekeke )
feynaa said…
ohoi..berdating..kikiki...tau doh..fdah bgtau..hahah...beznyoo..jeles nie...sobsob....
wow...windows 7...hehehe..sile jgn lupe antivirus sekali ye cik ezat...lumpuh laptop awk nnti..heheh
err..skali lagi,...saye jeles korg dating,,,,waaaaa.,,,,nak jumpe fdah sangat!!!
eZaT eLaNo said…
ehehehe..kitorang same negri dekat je..korang satu selatan satu , ssh la sket..haha

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